Frequently Asked Questions

So tell me more about the jumps…

  • The beginner jump is 3′ tall, with a mellow 8′ radius transition, making this extremely easy to jump for your first time. The distance of the beginner airbag can also be moved from being budded right up to the back of the jump, to any distance away based on the riding comfort of the group during each session.
  • The advanced jump is 5.5′ tall, with a 9′ radius, making this not necessarily difficult, but an advanced experience that even beginners will start to consider.
  • The pro jump is 6.5′ tall, with a 10.5′ radius transition. The advanced airbag can also be adjusted in distance based on the riding comfort of the group during each session.

How about the airbag landings?

  • Each airbag landing is designed to provide each jump with the safest landing possible.
    Each landing area is 16-20 feet wide, and approximately the same height as the jump, if not slightly higher.
  • Not only do we have the flexibility to change the gap/distance of our landings, we can also change the step up height of all of our landings as well.
  • From beginners to advanced riders, our experience guarantees the opportunity to increase your riding abilities, with memories for a lifetime.

What can I learn?

  • Just about anything you put your mind to! Mind over matter.
  • More than anything, we see confidence building, focus, and determination more than anything.
  • Learning to be comfortable in the air on your bike is generally where this all starts.
  • We also often see riders learning to work on their bikes, and maintain certain parts of their bikes.
  • Many riders stretch before riding & always wear appropriate safety gear to ensure many more years of riding.
  • We have seen more & more health conscious riders over the recent years, both physically and mentally, sharing their weekly routines, workouts, and eating habits.
  • As far as tricks go, we’ve seen it all, and continue to see it all. From 1 hander and 1 footers, to triple tailwhips and double backflips, there is no lack of resources when it comes to learning and working towards and trick you’d like to learn. However like we mentioned, it all starts with becoming comfortable with the ramp, and becoming comfortable in the air.

What do I need to bring?

  • Helmets are required.
  • Safety gear such as knee pads, elbow pads, shin guards, and ankle braces are recommended.
  • Tools will always help keep your bike maintained while riding.
  • Water will keep you hydrated!
  • Great attitudes & rider encouragement will continue building energy throughout the entire session.

Can I bring a friend?

  • Of course, it’s always fun learning with friends & pushing each other to accomplish new riding goals.
  • Send them a link to this page!

So wait, this is related to The Factory?

  • You bet… E V E R Y T H I N G from The Factory is safely being stored, still, with the vision that a new building is in our future… We just really need to start getting things ramped up again, especially after Covid.
  • Just a reminder that The Factory has three semi-trucks filled with all of our materials to operate again, however along with this comes expenses, including the insurance to continue using this equipment. We have fees every single time we decide to set up our airbags. Our insurance is a key factor that has kept The Factory alive this entire time.
  • Joining us for an Airbag Session contributes to these ongoing expenses, and hopefully the future of our indoor bike park which we hope our community still has an interest in. Your payment will go right into the same exact bank account The Factory has always had to help keep our dream alive.
  • Look forward to more airbag session experiences in the future if we have enough support from our community.

Can we bring this to my home town?

  • We hope so! Reach out on our Contact Page, the very first step to bringing this to your town is to start a conversation about it…

How can I help? We need Connections!

  • The Factory has always been networking and trying to build as many connections into our local community as possible, and even more so today…
  • We are always on the lookout for more organizations & businesses to connect with. Any new partners you can introduce us to can lead toward more airbag sessions in different locations, motivational stunt show experiences at larger events, and even printing custom apparel for the company for work for can also help the future of The Factory. How can you help? Reach out & connect with us at any time.

Let’s RIDE!

  • You’ve seen the motivation & progression of our team over the past 10 years, you’ll have a blast riding with the crew again.
  • We look forward to seeing you again, please reach out if you ever have any questions or concerns.